I Would Like To clone my WordPress, How can I do that?

The WordPress cloning tool is useful if you would like to create a staging site so you can update/change your WordPress site and see the changes before publishing to your main site.

Follow these steps to log into your hosting control panel.

1. Login to your Client Area

2. Select Products / Services

3. Select View for the hosting account you wish to access your WordPress toolkit on.

4. Click Manage / Login to Plesk This will log you into your plesk hosting control panel.

5. Once you are logged in, you will be taken to your plesk home page which contains tools to perform many common hosting tasks.

6. On the right side menu click on WordPress.


7. If you have more than one site, a popup will appear asking you to select which site you would like to access the WordPress Toolkit on. Select the site you wish to clone.


8. On the website you wish to clone, press the Clone button. A popup will appear.


9. The list of options are as follows (Image for reference):

Source: the page you are cloning
Target: Where you are cloning your page to.
Database: (These options are usually left as default):
Name: Name of database that will be used for the site.
Server: where the database is stored.

10. Press start and the cloning will commence. Once done, you will have a clone of your WordPress site.